Clive has a powerful presence. He is a coach who works with men who are looking for more. More fulfilment, more joy, more sense of meaning. When Clive talks about the work he does, it’s captivating, he is so committed to the cause. He has a gentle kindness coupled with a grounded and masculine soul. He is a natural born leader and an ambassador for the modern men in our times who know they deserve more and feel called to make it happen.

I partner with my clients to approach their goals as a team.
I’m a men’s personal development coach. There are two factors and one overarching driver to why I coach primarily men: the first is to counteract the limiting traditional male approach of ‘going it alone’. I partner with my clients to approach their goals as a team. With my support men are accountable outside of themselves, identify key learnings with speed and are encouraged to acknowledge and celebrate success.
In a time where men’s roles in society are less well defined the second factor is personal leadership. In an age of infinite choice, the first challenge a man confronts before putting one step forward in identifying the direction he would like to go. In response to this challenge, my coaching enables men to get clear on their personal values, visions and missions. Once clear, they are then free to move forward with goals and tasks confident they are in alignment with personal strategic objectives.
I am drawn to work with men regarding these challenges because I have personally experienced them myself. I’ve ‘gone it alone’ and struggled for years. I’ve been confused, floundered and tried to move forward at times without any authentic purposeful direction. My experience of going through and overcoming these challenges enables me to relate to and serve the men I coach.
Family, friends and community are hugely important to me. That I fulfil my mission, vision and potential as a coach drives me. I care deeply about people fulfilling their personal potential from a healthy place.
Balance in life matters to me a great deal and I make an effort to re-balance when life takes me out of tilt, I need to be resourced and emotionally healthy to do the work I do. Another strong belief I have is that glory and success in one area of life at the complete negation of another isn’t a true success. I want the men I work with to find a holistic and whole outlook on life.

I had a classic male Essex ‘bloke’ upbringing but have also spent a great deal of time studying the personal development world
Sport, either playing or as a fan, has always played a significant role in my life. Laughter is important to me and I enjoy stand up comedy. Self-care and health matter to me – including getting appropriate sleep, diet and exercise. Having these three pillars well nourished is incredibly important to my showing up in the world fully.
I had a classic male Essex ‘bloke’ upbringing but have also spent a great deal of time studying and grounding myself in practices from the personal development world. As a result, I’m as likely to be found watching the football drinking a beer as I am on a yoga mat stretching and meditating!
It plays into my mission to serve men in both of these areas and in bringing the two worlds closer together. In my opinion, it doesn’t have to be one world or the other, it’s not a polarity. There are great joys and value in both spaces and the most certainly can and do co-exist!.
I am a trained analyst and I will at times introduce skills and ideas from this space into my work. I’ve been described in the past as being somewhat skilled in the comedic written word and like to sprinkle an element of lightheartedness and fun (where appropriate) into my coaching style.

I exist to motivate and inspire others. I get ‘mine’ by supporting others to get clear on direction and then go get ‘theirs’. I am particularly drawn to working with group environments where interdependency is key.
I love the buzz that comes from learning and celebrating success together as a team. Along with this, Raising awareness and educating men about the value of coaching, is an incredibly important part of my mission. A huge turning point in my life was my mid-twenties crisis. Aged 25 in the space of a few weeks I broke up with my girlfriend, moved flats and my younger sister was diagnosed with a very rare and life-threatening form of cancer. During this period I was shaken to the bone, suddenly in direct touch with the fragilities of life and ideas concerning mortality.
The change after that experience was that I decided I would stop playing small and engage fully with life. I was going to explore, experience and make the most of my time here. From then on I became invested in studying personal development practices. New habits I developed from this included settling personal goals and a journalling reflection practice.
My significant object is a stone from the park I use to play in when I was a child. The stone represents a time when life was light, joyful with little responsibility. Long summer days, a game of football with friends, riding bikes, playing basketball and water fights. I have it with me during heightened times of stress and difficult challenges. It acts as a reminder as to where I’ve come from, what life is really about – the simple things.
My favourite life-mantra you might call it – “Plan life as if to live to a wise old age, but live each day respecting the fact that there is no guaranteed tomorrow.
Connect with Clive in the following ways:
Instagram: @clivemaxheath
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